Make It At Market ~ BBC

At the beginning of 2023 I got an amazing opportunity to take part in a fantastic television program called Make It At Market ~ season two. Aired on BBC One & presented by the lovely Dominic Chinea.

It’s been a total whirlwind & such an amazing experience. I’ve learnt so much about my business & myself along the way.

I want to thank everyone that played a part in what has already been a life changing experience!!!

The whole team was amazing, but I want to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to Andrew, Lauren, David, Odin, Lucy, Mandy, Laura, Dom, Ange & my lovely mentor Rachel. You have all been so patient, kind & supportive throughout this surprisingly emotional process. It’s been a dream working with you all… A dream I never even knew I had.

A BIG THANK YOU to my stockists & cheerleaders, Nick & Fi ~ The Back Room in Hagley, Emma ~ Nottingham Contemporary & my girls… My Soul Sister ~ Helen, The Best Sister-in-Law ~ Merril & Partner in crime ~ Luisa!!! Thank You all for keeping my secret safe, your support & encouragement has been incredible & I’ll forever be grateful to you all. 

I also want to thank My Boys… My handsome husband & beautiful boy ~ whose support & belief has never wavered even when my own did. You are my only reason ~ EVER!!!

And last but never least my Pretty Puppy, REBEL!!! Sent to me from heaven. The only soul that could get me to leave the house on days I thought I’d never get out of bed. She’s the little girl I never had & by far the head of our family. We will forever be your ROGUES little lady.🖤.

My episode of Make It At Market was aired on BBC ONE on Monday 27th November 2023, For those that managed to watch, THANK YOU!!!… For those that didn’t, you can catch it on BBC IPLAYER ~ If you really want to!!!